Automatic trigger enabling of Openresty during WSL (Windows Subsystem of Linux) startup in Windows 2022 Server

Automatic trigger enabling of Openresty during WSL (Windows Subsystem of Linux) startup in Windows 2022 Server

Step 1: Login as Sudo user in WSL and Install the below package first

sudo apt install expect

Step 2: Create the shell script as below


#!/usr/bin/expect -f

set timeout 10
spawn sudo service openresty start
expect "password for jegan:"
send "jegan@123\r"
expect eof

Step 3: Provide executable permission to the shell script

chmod +x

Step 4: Go to bashrc file

nano ~/.bashrc

Step 5: Add the below at the end of the bashrc file, then save and exit


Step 6: Update bashrc

source ~/.bashrc

Whenever the WSL restarts/reboots/starts Openresty will be automatically enabled.


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